Welcome back to my blog,
Believe it or not, spring has arrived, and another month has gone too soon. It seems like we were just
celebrating the new year. This past month has been extra busy for me. Not only have I worked at my full
time job and done things at home during the week, such as laundry (a neverending job), but I have also
been busy serving a family member on weekends with labors of love. It has been a little challenging and
physically tiring, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I chose to do it out of love for her and for God,
and it has only brought joy and peace to my heart. As many of you know, serving others is very
rewarding, whether it’s someone in your own family or someone that you may or may not know. I love
being able to do things for other people in their time of need; especially when it can be done at times
when the weather is nice.
As you may have guessed, this is one of my favorite times of year. The weather getting a little warmer
with bright colored flowers blooming everywhere. I am amazed at God’s amazing power and creativity.
Not only should we get out and enjoy this time of year, but we should also take time to get outside of
our comfort zone in our daily walk as Christians. God will open doors and opportunities for us; we just
have to be willing and ready to step out by faith. I am thankful to God for not only renewing the earth
during springtime with such beauty, but I am also thankful for being renewed myself through God and
his word. I was reading this morning in Romans chapter 2 about the warning of not judging others when
you are doing the same thing yourself. I feel that we are scared sometimes to witness to others; afraid
that they will take offense and accuse us of “judging”. I believe in this situation, God is saying we are in
no condition to call out someone else on their sin if we are currently doing the same thing. This would
definitely be wrong to do. In my opinion, someone doing this would only be doing it for selfish reasons
and personal gratification. However, I do believe as Christians, God does want us to “judge” in the sense
that we are to disciple and minister to others by helping teach them right from wrong according to
God’s word as he instructs us. We should also uplift and pray for one another instead of tearing each
other down. Never give up and don’t become discouraged. People with a worldly view may say that
this would be “judging” and to not judge, but God wants us to help and give guidance to others through
love. I believe this can only be done through us sharing the truths from God’s word. Each one of us
need to continually grow in the knowledge and love of God through Jesus Christ. It is an ongoing
process. Our intentions toward others should be meant for good and not evil; we should continue
reaching out to others so that no one may perish. What better time of year to reach out to others as we
approach Good Friday and Easter, and to share that it’s not actually about the cute bunnies but it’s
about the Lamb, Our Risen Savior Jesus Christ.**
Romans 3: 23-24 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his
grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.
You and I may never know the impact we have on someone’s life just by being obedient to God when he
nudges us to do something for another person. I encourage each one of us to continue in our walk with
Jesus. In case you have not begun your walk with God, I hope you make the choice to do so today. All
you have to do is believe by faith and call out to Jesus. We are all sinners in need of a savior, and that is
Jesus. Don’t hesitate, ask Jesus into your heart and life today --Forevermore.
Until next month…
Dana P.