SERVICE TIMES: Sundays at 10:10 AM.

Come As You Are Part 15

Welcome Back,


 Sitting here in my home, thinking of what to write.  Reflecting on the fact that once again the Bacon Co. community has yet another tragedy to overcome.  A family having to cope with the loss of their family member that was so dear to them and taken too soon. God help us as believers to bind together in love and help the broken hearted of this community and surrounding communities.  God help us to most importantly show forth the love of Christ to this broken world.  Jesus help us to grow together and overcome difficult times together in a positive way.  Things that happen to us in our lives that Satan tries to use to destroy us are the same things that God will take and turn around for good in our lives that He might be glorified in all things. 

I find myself lately going through a transition period; a shift so to speak., and I believe God is leading me into the next chapter of my life.  I am excited to see what God has instore whatever that might be, and I want to do everything I can to be obedient and stay in His will in all parts of my life.  God is always up to something good, and I can’t wait to see what he has planned for my life.  Going through this transition period, my prayer is to have clarity, and to take it step by step according to God’s timing not mine.  I see my life revolving and evolving around my family first and then outward to others.  God has a ministry and purpose for each of us, and I personally believe that we are to start with those people within our daily realm that are closest to us first. 

Like most families, my family has been through a lot lately, and we will continue on with God’s help pressing through each storm of life with mercy and grace. I am so thankful that God’s mercies are new every day, and God will make a way when there seems to be no way.  So no matter what comes next in this life, may God be glorified in all things. Take life one day at a time and enjoy every moment that we can,

Ephesians 2: 4-5 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ 

Until next month,

Dana P.
