Come As You Are Part 14

Welcome Back,

God’s will. I was recently reminded that when it comes to sickness and healing it is not God’s will for us

to be sick. Praying for God’s will regarding a new job or some other decision for our life is good; we

should always pray for God to lead us and to open or close doors of opportunities. As Christians, we

should always want to ask God for his help and guidance to make the right decisions for our lives. When

it comes to praying for healing, we should remember it is not God’s will for us to be sick. He wants us to

be made whole and healthy. The bible is full of stories of Jesus healing people, and I don’t recall any

story of Jesus afflicting anyone with sickness. I know that God is always on our side and cares for us so

when we pray for healing we should just begin to thank God for healing our bodies and allow your faith

to grow. God loves us so much that Jesus came to earth for us. He died on the cross for our sins so that

we could have life eternal and by his stripes we are healed. Never be discouraged, if God does not

answer your prayer like you think he should, because He answers each prayer differently and chooses to

heal people differently. I know God has already given us the power to overcome through his son so be

confident in knowing that we are overcomers through Christ Jesus in every part of our life. Speaking of

being an overcomer; the movie “Overcomer” was just released this past week at theaters. I actually

saw it last weekend and thought it was such a great movie. I encourage you to see it.

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, The

chastisement of our peace was upon Him, And by his stripes we are healed.

During this time of year, we can tell things are changing. The season of fall is upon us and so many of us

are exposed to sickness. The change of the weather can throw us off balance. So, the next time you

experience any kind of sickness in your body or have a family member or friend that is sick, pray and

remind yourself that God is the Great Physician. No matter how God chooses to heal you, just receive it

by faith. As a mom, wife, and grandmother, I try to pray for my family with confidence in knowing

nothing is impossible for God. No matter what we go through in the life, we have that peace in knowing

God is with us and fights for us. The bible says that Jesus intercedes for each of us. Imagine that; that

the son of God Jesus loves us so much that he is forever praying for each of us on our behalf to our

heavenly Father God. That is powerful!! If that doesn’t boost your confidence, I don’t know what will.

This week we are facing the wrath of hurricane Dorian so remember nothing is impossible for God.

Have peace and confidence in God. I am praying for protection over each of us and that God will calm

this storm approaching our shores literally.

Enjoy this new season that we are transitioning into, expecting great things.

Until next month,

Dana P.