At The Movies- Frozen

Hey everyone! Hope y’all have a had a wonderful week. I have been so excited for our November series “At The Movies” to start. It’s so different from anything we’ve ever done and tons of fun. In case you missed this Sunday here is a quick recap.

The first movie that was broken down by Pastor was Frozen.

Frozen is about the love that takes place between two children, but for us it represents the love of God. As people grow older they must still be like children in their heart. Meaning love like children do.

For God so loved the World that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.-John 3:16

”The gospel is Gods answer to the human condition.” -Pastor Peavy

Each of us are born with giftings and all born in the image of God. You’re not just born a random blob, you are born with meaning and purpose and all have a special calling. Whether we know what that is yet or not, we have the potential to make something beautiful in this life, but also have the potential to make something ugly. How do we control who we are and what we do and be what he has created us to be? It All comes to down to Choice honestly. If we don’t manage our gifts well, then we hurt others as Elsa hurt Anna in the movie. So many people waste the gift/calling they are given because they are following what they want to do in spite of the damage it is going to cause others. What you do matters! Don’t waste your gift.

Then Pastor goes into to talking about fear. Because Elsa was so fearful of her gift and of hurting Anna and others with her gift she ran away. Let me tell you though, fear is a liar! The enemy wants to isolate you like Elsa was isolated.

Pastor, “The Difference in being a Christian is…only Christianity deals with the heart and other religions deal with the mind.” You can know every scripture and the gospel in your head but when you get it in your heart that’s when you are changed. You must be born again, must have a transformation from having a head knowledge of who he is to having faith and believing in your heart by surrendering to Him. “The heart is not so easily changed but the head can easily be persuaded”, as the troll says in Frozen. Christ becomes alive in you when you surrender your life to Him. An example in the Bible would be Paul who has a war going on within him. The passion and things that had been given to him could be used for wrong. He tried to do good but evil was always present with him (Human desires-temptation-war). Fight the fight. The enemy wants to humiliate you, with your past and different things, that’s fear. He wants to isolate you. He gives you Fear of being alone. LET IT GO! Past is past! You can’t change your past but you have the ability to change your future!

In the movie, Elsa is unmasked. Everyone turns against her. And she flees to be alone so she can be herself. “Conceal don’t feel”(Words from the popular song, let it go). The pain she thinks she is causing is not worth it. The devil likes to feed you lies. Such as, doing and living life good and with God is not worth the pain. That is most definitely a lie from the enemy. You can suppress it only for so long and eventually it’s going to kick the life out of you.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge Him in all your ways and He shall direct your paths.”-Proverbs 3:5-6

Elsa realized she was alone and lonely. She was trying to be isolated and in her isolation, trying to pretend but that only hurts the ones we love and can destroy and crush them. In the end of the movie Anna steps in front of a sword to save Elsa and becomes frozen. As she becomes unfrozen, Elsa says to Anna,”You sacrificed yourself for me” and Anna then says, “I love you.” Well of course this represents the love of Christ. He sacrificed Himself for me, for you, for everyone. For God so loved the World!

“Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends" -John 15:13

“There is a way that seems right to a man,

But its end is the way of death.”-Proverbs 14:12

Choose God! There is no greater love! That void that you may have, only God can fill!

Pastor did such a phenomenal job breaking this down for us. Take time and go back to watch the live video from Sunday, November 3rd. I hope you enjoyed this recap and tune in for the next one! Hope to see you Sunday!